KnoPro Pilot Overview

Hello, high school educators! We are inviting you to the KnoPro pilot program launching this Spring (April 2023).
Attend a kick-off webinar to get started. Click here to sign up now.

KnoPro [powered by NAF] is a new 100% FREE web-based platform where high school students can tackle real-world problems faced by industry leaders, grow their professional skills, and compete to win large cash prizes, scholarships, and more. KnoPro’s goal is to help students–with support from their teachers and industry mentors–develop in-demand career skills and connections that will propel them toward their future. Watch the Video

Pilot Benefits 

  • Requires minimal involvement from you (educators), as it is mostly student driven

  • You and your students will be one of the first to try KnoPro and receive priority support from our team 

  • Can be used in class or after school; as a project for a core class, elective, or CTE experience; as a capstone project or other requirement 

  • NAF provides a “plug and play” curriculum - no extra prep work needed by you

  • As a teacher (NAF or non-NAF), you will be paid between $500 to $1000 for your time

  • Students win prize money ($2,000-5,000 for winning teams)

Pilot Requirements for Educators 

  • Pilot will be from 4/3/2023 to 5/5/2023.

  • Attend a kick-off webinar to learn more and get started. Click here to sign up now.

  • Participate in a 1-hour interview and complete a survey about your experience

  • Possibly have a NAF staff member visit your classroom, live or on Zoom (additional stipend)

  • Make time for students to spend about 2-3 hours a week, over a month, in or out-of class (or more, depending on how badly they want to win!) on the current project (AI for Good is the Spring 2023 Challenge)

  • As a Challenge facilitator, spend less than 2 hours a week supporting students

  • Available for NAF and non-NAF educators

KnoPro Challenges for Students

  • “Real-world project” created with partner companies where students gain valuable job skills, earn points, and compete for cash prizes

  • Students submit a 3-5 minute video pitch of their idea

  • Students may work individually or in teams

  • Students get feedback from mentors (professionals from our industry partners) on the platform

  • Students use design thinking to address a specific industry issue with an idea for a product, business, or marketing campaign 

  • Students win up to $10K in cash prizes

Explore KnoPro

If you have other questions, please email us: