Skillbuilder:Problem Solving

Game On!

Effort: 10 minutes

+10 Points


(1) $100 gift certificate

Computer Keyboard Closeup - SKB: Game On

KnoPro needs your help! Thanks for being part of the KnoPro pilot! We'd like to add more gamification and 'fun' elements to KnoPro. This might mean: a different type of point system, difficulty levels, a public leaderboard, avatars, virtual currencies, badges, side quests, etc. We want your suggestions! What 3 new / improved elements do you suggest we add to make the experience better (and hopefully more fun) for students? Provide an explanation of what your 3 recommendations are, how they'd be used, and a persuasive argument for why we should develop those elements in the future. You can include examples from games or apps that you use and really like. Ask yourself: what about that product or website keeps you coming back over and over, and how can we make KnoPro feel that way?

Submit your ideas via the text box. You may also include sketches (be sure to link to them, don't just copy and paste an image). Thank you in advance for helping improve the KnoPro experience for thousands of students across the country!

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