Skillbuilder:Problem Solving

Pack It Up: Designing for Portability

Effort: 10 minutes

+10 Points


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Pack It Up

Imagine you're a product designer tasked with making everyday items more user-friendly for people on the go. To get inspired, watch this video about the Oru Kayak, an innovative portable kayak. This example shows how a large item can be transformed into something easily transportable. Now, think about how you might apply similar concepts to other products.

Your Task:

  1. Choose a Product: Pick an everyday item that you think could benefit from being more portable. This could be anything from a musical instrument to sports equipment or even a kitchen appliance.

  2. Redesign for Portability: Consider what makes a product easy to carry. Think about size, weight, and the ability to fold or disassemble. Sketch or write a description of your redesigned product. How have you changed the original design? Highlight features that make it compact, lightweight, or easier to transport.

  3. Explain Your Design: Write a short paragraph explaining why your design improvements would be beneficial. Consider who would use this product and in what situations your portable design would be particularly useful.

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