Skillbuilder:Problem Solving

Planning the Big Event

Effort: 10 minutes

+10 Points


(1) $100 gift card

M. Monroe Impersonator Red Carpet

A famous person will be coming to your town and you are in charge of hosting a day-long event for your school. Determine who is visiting, the goal of their visit, and what kind of event you’ll host. Create a list of “task items” that need to be done to make the event successful. Consider tasks that need to be done before, during, and after the event, and sequence your list. Submit your list via the text box and be sure to tell us who the famous person is and what the event will be!

Just an example:


  • Confirm with her publicist that Beyonce will be attending the event on Dec 19th

  • Book the school's main auditorium for 500 students

  • Create an agenda for the day and share via email with teachers and students

  • Etc

  • Etc

  • Etc

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