
Viral Marketing: Lights, Camera, Action!

Effort: 10 minutes

+10 Points


(1) $100 e-gift card

KnoPro -- Marketing

This is our first ever WEEK-LONG Skillbuilder!
Imagine you're a marketing consultant creating an ad campaign for KnoPro. This week, you'll develop, script, shoot, and edit a 60-second "commercial" for KnoPro, honing your marketing and media production skills.

💰 Reward: $500 for the best video. If we love your work but don't win, we may still use your idea, credit you, and award 200 KnoPro bonus points, which will get you into more prize raffles. And, you’ll be able to add this project to your resume and portfolio!

Daily Breakdown: This is a suggested daily schedule. The ONLY thing you have to submit is the YouTube, TikTok, or Vimeo link to your final video by Sunday night at midnight.

Tips: 1) Be creative!! 2) Be honest: we want to know what you REALLY think about KnoPro and how it could help other teens. 3) Be inspired: check out this example video for possible ideas.

🔍 Step 1: Discover & Define: Investigate KnoPro’s mission and features. Choose your target audience (students or teachers) and the key message.

  • Research: Explore the "About Us" section of KnoPro, read the mission statement, and note core values and unique aspects.

  • Define Audience: Choose students/teens or high school teachers. Create a user persona using this template (optional)  outlining goals, pain points, and demographics.

  • Key Message: Brainstorm and summarize your message in one clear sentence.

✏️ Step 2: Script & Storyboard: Draft a script articulating your key message. Create a storyboard to outline the visuals and audio for your commercial.

  1. Watch this video to learn how to craft your script.

  2. Start with a strong opening that grabs attention.

  3. Clearly state the problem that KnoPro solves or the need it meets.

    • Example: “No internship? No problem, KnoPro has you covered.”

  4. Highlight key benefits and features of KnoPro.

  5. Conclude with a compelling call to action for viewers to take.

  6. Use this template to get started on your storyboard (optional)

  7. Break down the script into scenes.

  8. Plan the audio elements: narration, music, and sound effects.

🎥 Step 3: Filming: Film according to your storyboard using any tool (Zoom, Canva, Screencastify, YouTube, phone camera). 

  • Pre-Shoot: Review storyboard and script, set-up locations.

  • Filming: Follow the storyboard, and ensure the video is around 60 seconds.

✂️ Step 4: Edit & Enhance: Edit your video, ensuring visuals and audio align.

  • Initial Editing: Import footage, arrange clips, and trim for smooth transitions.

  • Enhancements: Add text overlays, music, and sound effects, and adjust the lighting. Ensure voices are louder than background music.

  • Polishing: Review for inconsistencies, make final adjustments, and export in a high-quality format.

🔄 Day 5: Review & Refine: Review your commercial, gather feedback, and make final adjustments.

  • Feedback: Share your video draft with someone else and collect feedback on visuals, audio, and impact.

  • Final Adjustments: Incorporate feedback, ensure you are happy with your final polished video, and upload to YouTube, TikTok, or Vimeo (only 1 of these 3 will be accepted).

Final Deliverable: Share your video link along with a one-paragraph summary of 1) what this process was like for you, 2) any feedback you received and adjustments made, and 3) whether or not you might want to explore a career in marketing one day.

Note: You should ONLY submit your video link at the end of the week or weekend, once you have completed the entire task. You do not need to submit something every day.

🎉 Kudos on creating a successful marketing campaign element!

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