
Who Writes the Check? The People or the Powerful?

Effort: 10 minutes

+10 Points


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Government jobs come with big responsibilities—and some big paychecks, too! Did you know the President of the United States earns $400,000 a year? Senators take home around $174,000, while the Chicago mayor earns about $216,210 annually. These salaries come from taxpayer money, meaning the people pay for the government to run. But here’s an interesting twist: elected officials like senators and members of Congress get to vote on whether their salaries should increase.

This raises a big question: Is it fair for government leaders to set their own pay? Some argue their work deserves high salaries because they handle complex and important tasks. Others feel it’s unfair for them to decide their own paychecks, especially when many Americans struggle financially. What do you think?

Your Task:
Decide Your Opinion
Think about this: Should government officials decide their own salaries? Find a partner and discuss.

Yes: They have important jobs and deserve fair pay.
No: It’s not ethical for someone to decide their own paycheck.
Maybe: There should be stricter rules or a separate group to decide pay.

Explain Your Discusssion
Write 1-2 paragraphs explaining your stance and your partners.

Did you agree or disagree?
What do you think: f there should be new rules, what would they be? How could these changes impact trust in the government?

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