Technology Inclusion Challenge


+400 Points

The technology industry needs your help! Companies in tech and ed-tech design immersive learning experiences for all ages. However, they are concerned that not all students are benefiting from these technologies. In this Challenge, you’ll address the question: How can we leverage immersive technologies (such as AR,VR,MR, XR) to transform learning experiences for underrepresented and underserved students, including those with visible and invisible disabilities? Come up with a new product or a marketing campaign to address this problem. Create a video pitch for members of the tech industry.

Note: This Challenge is still available to complete to earn points and add to your resumes!! The prize money was awarded in the past to the following winners.

TechnologyEarn Points!
tech inclusion banner
Lenovo Logo - Red

Skills you'll develop

  • Problem Solving
  • Social Awareness
  • Communication
pitch graphic


You’ve done it! You've created your solution, gotten feedback, iterated, and are ready to impress the world. You're almost done! In this step, you'll prepare your 3-5 minute video that showcases your idea. Be sure to review the Final Pitch Score Sheet and:

  • Plan (storyboard) your video

  • Practice before recording

  • Record using Zoom, Canva, Screencastify, YouTube, or any tool of your choice

  • Share with the judges

Step 1: See Examples & Get Ideas

A “Pitch” is telling a story in a way that others can grasp. Good pitches have some commonalities. See some examples.

Pitch Characteristics

Select each tab to watch the videos to get ideas about the characteristics of a pitch. And, remember, it’s not about how the pitch looks, it’s about what it says!

A Hook

A hook is something that grabs the viewer’s attention right away. It should inspire the viewers’ curiosity and their desire to continue watching the video. This could be a story, words on the screen, images, etc.

See how the Micro Drone 2.0 video uses a hook.

thermometer (1)

What? Who? Why? How?

A pitch video includes (may not be in this order):

  1. What it is: A clear explanation of the product, service, business, campaign

  2. Who: Who are the users, audience, etc.

  3. Why: Why did they create this? What are the benefits?

  4. How: How does it work and how do the features support the benefit?

See how the Smart Thermometer video addresses the What, Who, Why, and How of the product.

teachwell (1)

A Story

Stories get people excited and motivated, by touching people’s emotions and helping them to start seeing and believing what you want them to. If you tell your story well, it will stick; people will remember and share it. Stories can be powerful. The most challenging part of creating a pitch video is coming up with a story that clearly explains the value of your idea while enticing the viewers. 

See how the TeachWell video uses storytelling.

Empowerment (fixed)


People get excited about new ideas when they can connect to the creators behind it. When creating your video pitch, be sure to:

  1. Speak directly to the camera, as if you are speaking directly to the audience. You can do this, even without showing your face.

  2. Be honest - don’t misrepresent yourself or your ideas

  3. Show your passion - If you believe in something, others are more likely to believe in it too!

See how this Instagram video appeals to people’s emotions.

furbo (1)

Sound & Visuals

After all this work, you want to be heard! Make sure to record in a quiet space and use clear and loud voices. You may wish to use music if it enhances your story. Photos, graphics, video, and drawings are almost as important as the spoken words. Some people will pay more attention to what they see than what they hear. 

See how the Furbo video uses sound and visuals.

Pitch Style

Pitch Style

The most challenging part of the video is coming up with a story that clearly explains the value of your idea while enticing viewers. 

As you plan your video for your product idea, business concept, or marketing campaign, think about the tone of your solution. Is your solution happy and bubbly? Is it smart? Is it serious and beautiful? Consider your target users and their everyday lives. What tone would capture them? Watch some videos to see pitch styles with different tones.

A Day in the Life (2:34)

Voiceover (1:07)

Design Story (2:08)

Problem and Solution (3:37)

Step 2: Plan Your Video

Compile all your notes and prototypes to plan your video. You may want to create a storyboard (make a copy of this) or script. Remember to refer to the Final Pitch Checklist for your 3-5 minute pitch.


  • What is the problem you are addressing?

  • Why does it matter?

  • Why should people care?

  • How does your idea address the problem and the group it serves?



  • How will your idea have an impact?

  • How did the needs, pain points, and insights from real people lead you to your solution?

  • How will it work?

  • How did results from testing and feedback guide your idea?

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  • How is your idea unique?

  • What makes it stand out from other similar products, businesses, or campaigns?

  • How can you present your solution in an imaginative manner?

KnoPro O
icon training

Mentor Moment

Share your script, storyboard, or your final pitch video. Consider the feedback you'd like from a mentor. Remember to refer to the KnoPRO Judging Rubric in requesting feedback.

Share your pitch with a mentor and get professional feedback before you submit it!

  • Make sure you are signed in and go to your dashboard

  • Select View Project for your project

  • Go to Request Feedback, and ask your question

Step 3: Rehearse and Record

You now have a script or storyboard, be sure to practice your video before recording. Then, record!

Example Pitch

It’s OK if the video isn't professional quality – you won’t be judged on the quality of the video, but rather on the content and your presentation of the content. 

You don’t need a big budget, different locations, to buy new things, or make costumes. Do the best with what you have

Video Tools

Canva Tutorial

Canva is an easy-to-use video creation, recording, and sharing tool. Watch this tutorial to get some tips on how to use the tool. The, try it yourself!